AcclaimIP HelpACCLAIMIP HELP MANUALREPORTSPatent Analysis Report (The PAR)

Patent Analysis Report (The PAR)

The Patent Analysis Report (often referred to as the PAR) is a one-page document that elegantly summarizes a patent. To put it another way, the PAR is a short record that provides all the key data you need to identify the who, what, when, and key statistics that indicate whether the patent is likely good and relevant or not.

Perhaps you are evaluating a portfolio, making annuity/maintenance decisions, looking for licensing opportunities, or maybe you are reporting your research findings to a client. In all these cases, a quick summary saves time, improves understanding, and reduces IP risk.

How To Access

The PAR is available on every patent document in AcclaimIP. To access it inside the system, simply click the Reports dropdown in far right of the toolbar of any Document Details window, and click Patent Analysis. The PAR will then pop up in another window on the AcclaimIP desktop.


1) If the Document Details window is too small (e.g., you reduced the size of the Document Details window to give you more screen real estate) you may see our hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) at the far right. In that case, clicking that gives you a fly out menu of the other, now "hidden" options.

2) As with the other windows you can pop out of the Document Details window (and the Document Details window itself), if you click on any of the left/right arrows at the top left (in the Document Details, the PAR, etc.) all of the related windows will change to reflect the new document you are looking at from your search.

The Toolbar

The toolbar at the top of the PAR allows you, the user, to do many things. Even before you see all of the powerful information as you scroll down, understanding the toolbar will help you make the most of the report.

Only when using the PAR in AcclaimIP:

1) As with many AcclaimIP windows (e.g., the document details window) you can lock the PAR to make sure this particular PAR stays, even if you open another one.

2) As with many AcclaimIP windows, the arrows here allow you to move forwards and backwards through your search results. These arrows are linked to the other related windows (e.g., the document details or if you've popped out the images)

3) You can choose which section is the first section you see. By default, the system pins the tombstone data (that top section) but if you always look first at, say, the rejection analysis, you can pin that section to be where the system opens the PAR to. This is only stateful as you move forward and backward through the search. Once you close the PAR, it reverts to the normal/first section.

4) You can choose to remove or "turn off" certain sections of the PAR if it is a section you do not use them. This is only stateful as you move forward and backward through the search. Once you close the PAR, it reverts to the normal/first section.

Both when using the PAR in AcclaimIP and when using the link to the dual viewer:

5) Clicking this button will copy a signed link to the PAR that you can share with anyone (even if they don't have AcclaimIP). As long as they have internet access, anyone can use this link. Please see the Sharing Links section below.

6) Clicking this button will download a PDF version of the PAR. Note that although in the live version, you can see the entire set of claims and the specification, in the PDF version, there is only a single representative claim and the specification is not there.

7) Clicking this button will download a PDF version of the target patent document. This is not the PAR, but the filed document with the patent authority.

8) This is the localization menu, which allows you to choose several other languages. Please see the Localization section below.

Localization Support

From the localization menu, you can choose other languages to make your life easier when you read the document, depending on your language skills. Currently you can choose from:








Notice in the example above that this is a US document, so although the fields have changed to my chosen Japanese language localization, the data (e.g., the abstract) is still in English.

If you have chosen a document that is from that country/authority (e.g., a Japanese patent document as in the above screenshot) changing to the language of that country also changes the data to that original language. So in this example, I've chosen a Japanese document and the Japanese language localization, so everything is in Japanese. If I switch to German or Korean, the fields will switch to your chosen language, and the data will switch back to English.

With any of the reports, you can share these with anyone you choose. For example, maybe you are working on a particular project for a client that does not have AcclaimIP, and you want to share the list of documents and let them take a look for themselves. You can use the shareable links either from the report, itself, or download links in bulk. To see more information on this, including what the links would look like in your spreadsheet, please see the instructions here: Document Reports And The Dual Viewer


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