AcclaimIP HelpACCLAIMIP HELP MANUALUSING CUSTOM DATA FIELDSSaving Documents to Folders with Custom Field Codes in Your Query

Saving Documents to Folders with Custom Field Codes in Your Query

In this current implementation of custom data fields, a known issue is the inability to save documents to a research folder from a query with a custom field field code.

In other words, if you run a query like _DD.OB.PSE2ndopin:Good where _DD.OB.PSE2ndopin is a custom data field field code, the documents cannot be directly saved to a research folder.

Notice the error message you get when your query contains a custom field code, _DD.OB.PSE2ndopin (1) in this case.


Fortunately, there are at least four simple workarounds, which in most cases are quite easy.

  1. Save the search, not the documents
  2. Select the documents then use Selected>Save to Folder option
  3. Export the list and use Numbers Search then save to folder
  4. Export the list and import directly to a folder

Currently the model for selecting and custom fields is different from that of folders.  We'll fix these issues shortly when we do our next set of upgrades on the research folders and integrate them into the new model used for custom fields.  For now, you'll find these simple workarounds quite simple and quick.

1.  Save the Search, Not the Documents

When you use custom fields in your search string, you can always save the search itself (1), and not the documents.  Saved searches can be re-called, shared and used in refining Boolean queries just like research folders.

Save Searches appear in your Research Folder window with a diskette icon.

2.  For Small Lists: Save to Folder

If the number of patents you wish to save to a folder is fairly small, say less than a few hundred, follow these steps...

  • Select the documents you want to save using the Check box in the rows (1), or Column Check Box (2) in the header.
  • From the Selected menu, choose Add to Folder, and the documents can be saved to the folder.

3. For Large Lists:  Export then Use Number Search Feature

If your list is more than several hundred patent documents, then you can save the documents to a folder using the Export All option, then use the Number Search method.

  • Export the list of documents into a Spreadsheet using Export All (1)
  • Copy the Document Number column in the spreadsheet (1)
  • Paste into Number Search (1)
  • Then Save All to Folder (1)

In this case, you see the same documents, but there is no query containing a custom field code preventing you from saving the documents to a research folder.

4. Import Directly Into A Folder

Of course, the best option might be to just save the search, but there is another option if you want to save patents directly to a folder. This might save you some time.

  • Copy the list from the spreadsheet
  • Use the Import button (1)
  • You can select the folder you want to save the documents to (2) directly from your My Research Folder, or after you've clicked the Import button by using the Folder drop down
  • Paste the document numbers from the spreadsheet into the Import dialog box (3)
  • Click the Import button (3)

You can save up to 50,000 documents to a folder using this technique.


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