Creating a New Alert
Alerts can be created from any Search Result, or by setting one up from scratch from the Manage Alerts window. This article covers how to create new alerts.
New Alert from Search Results
The Search Result window has a menu button named "Alerts" which has the option to "Create Alert (from query)." In this example, the query shown is...
ANC:Apple and ISD:2018
(current assignee=apple and issue/publication date is 2018)
Choosing "Create Alert (from query)" option opens the following window...
Alert Name
Give the alert a name that will be easily remembered and descriptive enough so you recognize what the alert does. Alert name appears in the Alert window's grid and in the emails' subjects.
Enter a longer description of the alerts. The Description shows up in the header section of the emails sent which the recipient can read as a reminder of why they are receiving the alert. An example of an alert description with instructions might be like this:
Hi Dave, this alert shows Apple patents granted in 2018 that received forward 102 rejections. Be sure to review each one and advise next steps inside of ANAQUA.
Use this field to reference a project, client or any other data you might want to use to group the alert with others. It is searchable and filterable in the alert list so you can quickly find the alerts targeted to a specific customer or project.
Base Query
This field shows the 'base query' on which the alert is based. Be careful with dates in your queries! If you have a date range in the base query as in the example above, you will not get any matches on new patents from 2019 and beyond. However, in some cases you may want to restrict the alert matches to events associated with older patents, so we allow dates and date ranges in your base queries.
To create a Watchlist, choose the Inclusions Only radio button from this field. To see more about watchlists, please see Inclusion and Exclusion Lists
Enabled Triggers
You can add up to 43 trigger events to a single alert. The 44th, or "New Matches" trigger is automatically included in every alert. Check from the list of available triggers found on the Triggers tab as shown. Triggers are grouped into 4 bins of event types.
- Legal Events
- File Wrapper Events
- Forward Rejections Events
- Reverse Rejection Events
If your plan does not include access to a particular set of data, you may not see File Wrapper or Rejection triggers. All plans get Legal Event triggers.
Click the blue info icon to view details of what each trigger contains and how it works (see below for example).
The stemming toggle is on or off automatically based on the originating search. Stemming is useful to expand your matches on alerts covering keywords.
Family Expansion
Family expansion has powerful use-cases, but for most alerts, it generally should be in the OFF position to avoid getting results that are confusing or seemingly un-matched. The primary use-case is tracking newly published family members from an alert based on a known list of patent families you are tracking. More on this in the Family Expansion article.
Note - Family Expansion for the watchlists is on by default.
Creating an Alert from Alert Listing Window
The alternative way to create a new alert is to follow these steps:
- Click the purple Alerts tab on the right edge of the AcclaimIP desktop, and the Alerts Window opens.
- Click the New Alert button in the upper right and the Create New Alert window is opened.
- Fill out the form as above and Save the alert
This is NOT the preferred method!
If you choose this route to create an Alert, be sure to test the query to ensure it delivers valid results. If you have a typo on your base query, you may not notice that your alert is broken or returns unintended results until after it has run on the first Tuesday after you set it up.
Best practice is to first run your query and create the alert from the Search Result window!
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