Creating Custom Data Fields
To create data field follow these steps:
- Create the Field
- Set Permissions (access rights)
- Optionally
- Create a Form
- Import Data (later sections of this manual)
Create a New Custom Data Field

Go to Start->Custom Fields and choose the Mange Fields & Forms option.
The Manage Fields & Forms Manager Appears
1) This panel contains Custom Fields that you previously defined. Fields can be placed in folders, for easy grouping and better organization in the user interface.
2) Create a new Folder (will show up in panel 1).
3) Create a new Field. Clicking this (or a previously created field) will cause the Manage Fields panel (5) to show you options.
4) The hamburger icon menu allows you to reload fields.
5) The Manage Forms tab allows you to create new forms or add, remove, or edit the fields in previously created forms.
Create A Field
After clicking Create Field, your options in the Manage Fields tab become
1) Create Field sub-tab, where you can create a field
2) Since I did not select a folder from the left panel, the folder this field will be created in is the Top Level.
3) This is the Field Code that you use to search. By default, the field code will have an underscore appended to the front (you do not have to do this). This cannot include spaces (e.g., "demo_field" works, but "demo field" does not).
4) The field label is what users will see. It can include spaces and is a friendlier version of the which appears in the column headers, and data entry windows.
5) This is what users will see when they hover over, for example, the column in a search results grid.
6) This is the type of field. The types of fields are covered in later sections.
7) This is the Permissions sub-tab. Important! - even if you create a field, no one (including you) has permissions or any access to this field (e.g., being able to see it or use it in the UI on documents or searches) until you give them permissions here.
Click a Field to Edit
Once you've created at least one field, when you click on that field in the left panel, you can see all the field options. All of the options are available to adjust except for the Field Code and the Field Type. If you made a mistake on either of these, you have to delete and recreate the field.
There are a couple of options here that are not shown in the "Create A Field" above, because options will change, depending on the Field Type you select. However, two to point out are the following:
1) Allow Multiple... - Checking allows users to select more than one value per patent. Leaving unchecked requires that users choose one best answer.
2) Values - Admins define which values are allowable for StringSelectFields. An short accompanying description is defined here and shown in the user interface.
Manage Forms
The Manage Forms tab allows you to create new forms, or edit existing ones. They are pretty straight forward, except that you can add Dividers (e.g., the "Escalate to SME" and "Review Panel" above). Then simply drag and drop the fields you've already created where ever you want them on the form.
Note - just like with the Fields, you have to give permissions to people that you want to access this form. Additionally, if there is a form where the user has permission to the form, but only some of the fields, those fields that the user does not have permission to will not show up on the form.
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