Saving Searches
If you work on a specific search query, you'll want to save it so you can use it again in the future. AcclaimIP supports a feature where you can save searches for easy recall later.
You can use the feature to save multiple base queries. A base query is a search that contains all the keywords and strings that describe one specific aspect of an invention. To make your searches faster, it might be a good idea for you to build a library of relevant base queries, and save them to a folder called "Base Queries" or something that makes logical sense to you. This example is a base query about NFCs. This would be a good starting point when searching any technology related to NFC (Near Field Communications) without having to research all the terms which mean "NFC." Just load your saved search.
Save a Search
To create a new search, you would type your search string into one of the search fields. Here we are using the Quick Search tab to run the NFC search string. Once the search has been run, from the Search Results window choose File>Save Search from the toolbar, and a new window, called Add Search, will pop-up.
Save the Search
In the Add Search window, you will have several options. It is recommended that you name your search a friendly name (1) so that you can remember later what the search is. In other words, naming your search "search one" won't tell you what it is. But naming your search "car door handle - right side" might be a good idea.
Next, choose the folder where you what to save it (2). If you want to create a new folder, click the New button (3) and create the new folder. Then click save.
Note Your Search Options
The Search Options you have set when you save the search to your folders will affect the search every time you use it in the future. This means that the saved search will be sensitive to: collections you have chosen, patent types, date ranges, and options like Word Stemming, Document Type (Grants, Apps, or All), and Document Status (Active, Inactive, or All). This is just something to remember when using the search at a later point. If you want a specific set of search options, make sure to set them that way before saving the search. If you're just using your preferred settings, but you want the search run with different parameters, you may forget that the next time you need to run the search.
Recalling A Saved Search
Saved Searches are stored in your Research Folders.
- Open the Research Folder window.
- Navigate to the search you want to run (1).
- You can select the checkbox (2) and click Open (3), or right click on the search and click View from the pop-up menu, if you prefer.
- Note that there is no RFID on searches (4).
Updating or Modifying a Saved Search
Saved Searches can be updated and improved, as you develop new techniques, in order to make them more accurate.
- Run a saved search using the process discussed above. Refine it with keywords, classes, or by applying some filters, and run it using the Update Search button.
- AcclaimIP will save the new search only after it has been sent to the search engine. So if you skip the Update Search step, AcclaimIP will not save your current search. Instead, AcclaimIP will use the search already stored in the system.
- Choose File>Update Saved Search (1) --> This updates the search (overwrites the previous search), OR...
- Choose File>Save as New Search (2) --> This will save the search as a new search, and leave the previous search intact.
Benefits of Saved Searches
Saved searches have many benefits:
- You can set alerts based on Saved Searches.
- You can develop a library of saved base queries. These can act as your starting point for all future searches within your base technology.
- There is no limit to the number of documents that can be "saved" using a Saved Search.
- Saved Searches are dynamic. Each week new documents can match your saved search.
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