Uncited Prior Art Score

The uncited Prior Art (PA) score is an interesting, and AcclaimIP proprietary, way of looking at prior art. The scores are only available on the family citation sub-tab, because it is looking at other family members besides the patent in focus to give you insight into possible issues with the family. This insight can be used in multiple use cases, including litigation, portfolio strength, etc.

Scores - The Basics

An uncited reference is a reverse citation that was referenced and deemed relevant to obviousness or novelty during the prosecution of a simple family member, but not cited during the examination of the patent in focus. this then creates the PA Score.

In AcclaimIP, PA Scores are available on every single patent. However, many have a score of 0, which means that nothing will show up in the PA Score column. That's because the scores are calculated based on multiple factors, and if a patent citation does not meet that criteria, then that score of 0 basically means there is basically no risk.  Additionally, there are "false" hits that show an X on the score. This means that there was a family counterpart considered by an examiner. 

Otherwise, the PA Score will show a 1 to 5 score, with 5 being the highest score, and showing the most likely patents to have issues. You can some of the factors that go into the score by hovering over the score number in the AcclaimIP UI.

Field Codes

Currently there are four field codes that you can use to search the PA Scores:


This field code allows you to search for the number of uncited references in the simple family reverse citation record. This includes both novelty and obviousness references and can be used to search for a single number of references a range. For example:


UNCITE_CT:[4 to *]


This field code allows you to search for the number of uncited novelty references in the simple family reverse citation record. Novely references include those categorized as X, I or 102. This can be used to search for a single number of references or a range. For example:


UNCITE_NOV_CT:[3 to 6]


This field code allows you to search for the number of uncited obviousness references in the simple family reverse citation record. Obviousness references include those categorized as Y or 103. This can be used to search for a single number of references or a range. For example:


UNCITE_OBV_CT:[3 to 6]


This field code allows you to search for the highest PA Score on the patent. Scores are from 0 to 5. Because this is searching for the highest PA Score, a returned patent may have more than one score. For example:


will return patents with either a 4 or a 5 as the highest score, but the same patent may also have other, lower scores, as well. Note that because it is the highest score searching for 4 AND 5 does not work (it will return zero results). This is because a patent cannot have both a 4 as the highest score and a 5 as the highest score.


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