AcclaimIP HelpACCLAIMIP HELP MANUALUSING CUSTOM DATA FIELDSCustom Fields in the Document Details Window

Custom Fields in the Document Details Window

At the document level you can view and/or modify custom data from the Document Details window.  Custom fields appear to the right in an accordion-style panel labeled "Custom Fields."

Where to Find Custom Fields

Custom field data appears in a panel on the right side of the Document Details window.  The panel can be opened or closed by clicking the >> button (1).

Your custom field administrator may choose to organize custom fields into forms (2).   

Managing the Custom Fields Panel

The Custom Fields Panel can show only the fields you are currently working with.  You can expose additional fields, use other forms that have been shared with you, or show other fields such as all non-empty fields, all from the Form dropdown. You can also see what the field codes are for each field by hovering over it.

Note - all custom field codes begin with a leading underscore character, if you are using them as a field code.

Editing Custom Fields

Custom fields can be edited directly in the Custom Fields panel IF YOU HAVE BEEN GRANTED EDITING RIGHTS.  Your administrator can determine if he/she wants you to edit the fields. For example, it is a good idea to have your Docket Number or other internal asset ID number to be READ ONLY meaning that users cannot edit them, but users can search, sort and export them.

A custom field user with the bulk field tagged on their profile has the ability to update custom fields in bulk by uploading bulk data from spreadsheets. In other words, depending on the field-type specified by the administrator and the permissions granted, you will have various editing options. 

Integer Select, Single-Select Field

In the example above I displayed the fields that I want to see for my patents.  The "Internal Total Score" provides for options of choosing only an integer.  These can be pre-created by the user that created this field, so they can be anything your team needs, or you can use a field that allows any integer.

String Select (Multi-Value) Field

Fields that have pre-defined allowable values can be set to accept one best choice or multiple options.  In this example, you can select more than one "IPM Assignee" to which the patent relates to.  You still need to choose from the pre-defined list (other cases allow you to create your own notes and tabs using free form text.

Select Combo fields are useful for taxonomies if your company or organization has an agreed-upon set of categories and do not want users to type in "Communication" when you want "Communications" (with the s).  Your data will be much cleaner if you define allowable values when it is appropriate.

Boolean Fields

Boolean fields accept only True or False values (or Yes or No values, not shown here). You can, of course, choose No Value, too.  In this example, we are only saying that there is or is not opposition.

Text Fields

Text fields accept free-form text.  They are used for notes, comments and opinions on your patents. In this example, I just typed the word "Good" but it can be used for much more complicated comments.

Tag Fields

Tag fields allow you to enter in values without any predefined restrictions, and tag fields can contain multiple values per field.  Tags can contain spaces. Notice that I typed "Tag Field" but have not pressed enter. As soon as I do, that will become a separate tag like the others.

Each tag will become its own facet, so it is a good idea to try to stay as consistent as possible if you want to be able to filter your future search results by these tags.

Ad Hoc Canvas

Along with the Forms that we have shown, you can also create an ad hoc canvas (form) and when you click Add Field (1) to pop up the Add Field manager. From there, simply select a field you would like to add from the list of available fields (those that you have permissions to) and click Add Selected Field (2). Once you have the fields you want, click the X on the Add Field manager and use the custom fields as normal.

Other Field Variants

AcclaimIP supports integers, decimals and date fields as well.  Your administrator can set minimim and maximum bounds for all three of these field types.  For example, only accept dates between a certain range, or numbers in a range they define.


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