Creating and Editing Projects
You may want to create a new project to track work done for a particular client or a particular project that you are doing based on an invention disclosure or for many other reasons. AcclaimIP allows you to create many different unique and searchable projects to fulfill this need. The Projects Admin is the main place for creating and editing the projects themselves.
The Projects Admin
To get to the Projects Admin, you can either click on the Projects icon on the AcclaimIP desktop, or you can click Start-->Projects. You can also click either the Searches or Docs option on the Projects Dashboard Bar, and then select the Projects sub-tab from that popup window.
From the Projects tab on the Projects Admin window, you can do the following:
1) Click on a project name to edit the project. Note that there is an asterisk icon to the left of the project name for the default project only.
2) Search your projects using data in any column (note that this does not include anything you type in the Description field of a project).
3) The Actions column allows you to edit a project or to load a project. The edit is also where you would delete a project, if you so desire.
4) Clicking the New Project button creates a new project.
Creating A New Project
You can create a new project one of two ways:
1) Click the Gear icon next in the Projects Dashboard Bar
2) Click on the AcclaimIP Start-->Projects, then in the Projects Admin click the "New Project" button in the bottom right corner
From the Create New Project window, you can assign the project a Reference ID, Name (required), Project Type (using the dropdown) and any Project Details you want to add.
Note that only the Project Name is required.
Selecting the Set as Default option will make this the default project. When you click the swap icon, this will be the default project that you toggle back and forth between.
After setting up the project then click Save to save the project. Once saved, you can perform searches as normal. As long as this is the chosen project, the searches and documents viewed will show up in this project history.
Editing A Project
You can edit an already created project to add additional information or delete the project if you don't need it anymore. Once you have made any necessary changes, simple click the Save button.
Note - clicking the Set as Default radio button (1) will set this project as your default. This means that clicking the swap icon on the Projects Dashboard Bar will switch back and forth between this (the default) and your previously loaded project.
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