AcclaimIP HelpACCLAIMIP HELP MANUALALERTSSpecial Considerations of the New Matches Trigger

Special Considerations of the New Matches Trigger

By default, the New Matches trigger is set on all alerts.  While it works exactly like you probably think it should, and returns hits for all new documents matching your base query, it is actually far more powerful than just that.

Think of it explicitly as a "New Matches" trigger and NOT a "New Documents" trigger.  In other words, the New Matches trigger hits on any document where the base query is true for the first time.

One thing to note: Unlike the New Matches query, which evaluates to "true" only one time during the life of the document, the other predefined triggers evaluate to "true again," and may alert on a document multiple times as long as the event itself was new for the first time to the document.

This is a subtle, but important, distinction. If you put in a search looking for a 102 rejection, once the document has a 102, it will have met your search criteria and no longer show up even if it gets another 102. However, if you use the predefined 102 trigger, it will show every time a 102 shows up. That is what is meant by "true again." 

Consider the case of monitoring new Google patents, using a base query like:


The New Matches trigger matches on any newly received publications where ANC:Google is true for the first time–and never alerted on before.  Hits certainly include all the new publications from the previous week where Google is the current assignee, but it also includes any document where ANC:Google is true for the first time even if the documents themselves are not new.

Some examples include:

New reassignments where this is the first week Google is the registered owner of the patent.  In other words, ANC:Google is true for the first time.

Older patents that are new to AcclaimIP, but not necessarily new to the world.  The standout example is in the translation delays where JP/KR/CN patents take a week to 10 days to publish in English.  As a result, a typical global alert for Google might include the previous week's US, EP and WO documents, and JP, KR and CN documents from a week before that.

New or augmented collections we add to the database will hit on New Matches trigger.  While our data is very complete, we have been able to continuously find new publications that we've never had before.  As a result, if AcclaimIP adds a new set of patents from, say, Indonesia, that we never had before, they will show up on your new matches alert one time.

Power Uses of New Matches Trigger

Because New Matches trigger matches any document where the base query is true for the first time, it allows you to also alert on any first time occurrence associated with a patent.  To illustrate, let's continue with the Google example.

Example 1

Say, I want to monitor patents owned by Google that reached a threshold of 10 or more forward citations for the first time.  I can do that by creating an alert based on this following query:

ANC:Google AND FCITE_CT:[10 to *]

The first time this query evaluates to true for a document, the New Matches trigger will include it in the alert.  

Example 2

Another powerful example alerts on patents with an unusual level of investment from competitors.

ANC:Google and SFAM_CC_CT:[5 to *]

Here, the base query contains the clause SFAM_CC_CT:[5 to *] which is the number of countries in which the patent family was filed.  As soon as this evaluates to true for the first time, you'll be notified with the matching document number--most of which will certainly not be "new publications!"

Example 3

You may have noticed that some of my alerts are on things like "Docs with New WO Figures" and "New Global PDFs."  For these, I used some of my data auditing queries that tell me if figures or PDFs exist for a document.  The first time it evaluates to true, I get a hit in the alert, allowing me to keep track of our WO figure snipping efforts and PDF updates.  

As as side note, the WO figure snips are now complete (as of Jan 8th, 2019), and we currently have 85.7 million global PDFs and growing each week.

Example 4

Hopefully it is becoming clear that "the base query evaluating to true for the first time" can be used to identify all kinds of status changes on documents, and not only meta values hitting a threshold as in examples 1 and 2.  As a further example, you might want to create a query looking for expired patents and applications based on the DOC_STATUS:INACTIVE query, which uses status inputs from multiple data sources, and not just the DOCDB legal events (which the canned legal event triggers use).


Using this as your base query will likely pick up a few more, or at a minimum alert you to the inactive status before the DOCDB data is fully updated since we have to rely on DOCDB delays rather than directly from the PTO of record.

Example 5

Let's say you want to find all new transactions for patents changing hands in a particular CPC class, or matching one of your complicated keyword queries.


The New Matches trigger finds patents classified in G06Q30 (ecommerce) where the AN_TRANS field evaluates to true for the first time.  In other words, where the patent has changed hands.  Here again, AcclaimIP sets the AN_TRANS to true when a patent is reassigned from various data sources and gives better coverage than the DOCDB-based trigger alone.



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