Setting Up IP Strategy Dashboards
The IP Strategy Dashboards are designed to give you an overview of a technology space or an organization. Although all the information can be found in other ways inside of AcclaimIP, the dashboards aggregate a lot of information that you may need as an overview of the space or organization.
Create, Edit, Share, and Delete Dashboards - General
When you first open the IP Strategy Dashboards, the above image is what you see. If you already have dashboards created, clicking on that dashboard name will open up the dashboard in the same space as the About Dashboards area. Note that whether you have created a dashboard or not, there will be demo dashboards that are the same for all users. These dashboards cannot be edited or deleted (only hidden), but can be clicked on to show you an example of how the dashboards look.
There are 4 different types of dashboards:
-Competitive Analysis: This dashboard allows you to watch an assignee (or group of assignees), or a piece of their portfolio. At least one assignee is required.
-Technology Landscape: This dashboard allows you to watch a particular CPC class, or set of search terms.
-Firm Comparison: This dashboard allows you to compare specific metrics within specific clients, including patent activity by firm.
-Client Intelligence: This dashboard is similar to the Competitive Analysis dashboard, except that it contains more additional details for law firm trends.
Once you've opened the IP Strategy Dashboard manager, either from the AcclaimIP desktop or Start button, you will notice the panel on the left-hand side. You can open and close this panel by clicking the panel arrow (1). Clicking the New Definition icon (2) allows you to see the create, edit, and delete menu. You can also right click on any already created dashboard and edit it. If it is a dashboard that someone else created and shared with you, it will be in the Shared Dashboard section (3).
Right clicking on a dashboard gives you multiple options.
Edit - Clicking this option allows you to edit whatever dashboard you have highlighted, or are currently viewing. Note that this option will not work for the DEMO dashboards.
Share - Clicking on this option allows you to share whatever dashboard you have highlighted, or are currently viewing. This will allow you to share with anyone in your AcclaimIP account.
Delete - Clicking this option allows you to delete whatever dashboard you have highlighted, or are currently viewing. The system will require an additional confirmation to delete the dashboard. Note that this option will not work for the DEMO dashboards.
There are also several checkbox options at the top right when you are editing or creating a dashboard.
Quick Share - this allows you to share with everyone in your account. Quicker than if you use the right click option above. Note - AQX users will have a "Share with AQX" option here, that allows you to syndicate the dashboard to your AQX software.
Use as Benchmark - the dashboards allow you to benchmark two dashboard searches against each other. But you must click this option to allow for that.
This is Us - Similar to the Use as Benchmark, but really only useful for the Foreign Filing report. On that report it distinguishes who you are.
Once you have created an IP Strategy Dashboard, clicking on it (or on the View button from the edit/create options) will show you the dashboards, themselves. The above is an example of part of the Competitive Analysis dashboard. Notice that you can scroll down to see the rest of the Portfolio Overview tab, and that you can click on the other tabs (Recent Activity, Technology Strategy, and Transaction Analysis) to see the rest of the charts and data available on this Competitive Analysis dashboard.
Creating a Competitive Analysis dashboard
The Competitive Analysis dashboard allows you to monitor your competitor‘s global patent activity including specific metrics such as publication trends by year and technology, alerts and recent activity, patent technology analysis and transactions including buying and selling of patents. You can build these out for any competitors, or even your own organization.
Once you've clicked on the New Definition and selected Competitive Analysis as the dashboard you want to create, you will be presented with a creation manager.
1) This is the name of the dashboard. It can be anything you want, and it is required.
2) This is a description of the dashboard. It can be anything you want, but it is not required. Think of this as a "notes" section to help you determine how you defined the competitor.
3) This is where you select the assignee(s). It uses AcclaimIP's normalized assignee data, either the current assignee or the ultimate assignee, and is required.
Note that you can add more than one assignee, but the system aggregates, not separates, the total when it creates the chart.
4) You can reduce the competitor set by using advanced syntax here. For example, if you have a competitor with a huge portfolio that covers everything from cars to computers to household goods, you may want to use field codes, search terms, class codes, etc. to narrow the dashboard.
5) Once you have created and saved the dashboard, each time you come into AcclaimIP, the name will show up on the list here.
6) Checking the Quick Share will automatically share this dashboard to all users in your AcclaimIP account (for AQX users, this will be a different checkbox, and will allow you to syndicate the dashboard to your AQX).
7) Checking the Use as Benchmark allows you to select this dashboard when you are viewing other dashboards, and benchmark the two against each other in some sections. In other words, the Dashboards will show both of them side-by-side in the charts.
8) Checking the This Is Us will label the chart as you in the left hand panel list. This is a way to see that a chart is you, even if the name is something else.
Numbers 6, 7, and 8 above each create their own icon next to the name in the left hand panel. See the screenshot below to see what each icon looks like.
Note that when you first create and save the dashboard, clicking View at the bottom right will view the dashboard.

Creating a Technology Landscape dashboard
The Technology Landscape dashboard analyzes patent activity in a specific technology, key players, alerts and recent activity, trends by year and shows a transaction analysis. This dashboard is more about a technology space than a specific competitor.
Once you've clicked on the New Definition, and selected Technology Landscape as the dashboard you want to create, you will be presented with a creation manager.
1) This is the name of the dashboard. It can be anything you want, and it is required.
2) This is a description of the dashboard. It can be anything you want, but it is not required. Think of this as a "notes" section to help you determine how you defined the technology landscape.
3) This is where you choose a CPC class (but see note below). As you start typing the CPC class, the system will give you options based on what you are typing.
4) This is where you would use a particular search string using field codes, search terms, class codes, etc. (but see note below). For example, you could use the following search string in the Advanced Syntax field to build a technology landscape dashboard:
TTL:banana AND ANC:chiquita AND CPC:A27N7
NOTE - for the Technology Landscape dashboard you can either use field 3 or field 4. You cannot use both.
5) Once you have created and saved the dashboard, each time you come into AcclaimIP, the name will show up on the list here.
6) Checking the Quick Share will automatically share this dashboard to all users in your AcclaimIP account (for AQX users, this will be a different checkbox, and will allow you to syndicate the dashboard to your AQX).
7) Checking the Use as Benchmark allows you to select this dashboard when you are viewing other dashboards, and benchmark the two against each other in some sections. In other words, the Dashboards will show both of them side-by-side in the charts.
8) Checking the This Is Us will label the chart as you in the left hand panel list. This is a way to see that a chart is you, even if the name is something else.
Note that when you first create and save the dashboard, clicking View at the bottom right will view the dashboard.
Firm Comparison and Client Intelligence dashboards
The Firm Comparison and Client Intelligence dashboards allow firms to monitor activity within specific clients. These are both created the same way, although they have some different charts available once created.
Once you've clicked on the New Dashboard, and selected either the Firm Comparison or the Client Intelligence as the dashboard you want to create, you will be presented with a creation manager.
1) This is the name of the dashboard. It can be anything you want, and it is required.
2) This is a description of the dashboard. It can be anything you want, but it is not required. Think of this as a "notes" section to help you determine how you defined the client.
3) This is where you select the assignee(s). It uses AcclaimIP's normalized assignee data, either the current assignee or the ultimate assignee, and is required.
4) Checking the Quick Share will automatically share this dashboard to all users in your AcclaimIP account (for AQX users, this will be a different checkbox, and will allow you to syndicate the dashboard to your AQX).
5) Checking the Use as Benchmark allows you to select this dashboard when you are viewing other dashboards, and benchmark the two against each other in some sections. In other words, the Dashboards will show both of them side-by-side in the charts.
6) Checking the This Is Us will label the chart as you in the left hand panel list. This is a way to see that a chart is you, even if the name is something else.
Note that you can add more than one assignee, but the system aggregates, not separates, the total when it creates the chart.
Once you have created and saved the dashboard, each time you come into AcclaimIP, the name will show up on the list under the particular dashboard type.
Note that when you first create and save the dashboard, clicking View at the bottom right will view the dashboard.
Removing Demo Dashboards
There are demo dashboards automatically set up by default in every account. They are the same demo dashboards for every user. But you can hide those dashboards very easily so they do not clutter your UI.
When you open the dashboards, in the top of the panel on the left, click the hamburger icon and select "Hide Demo Dashboards." That's it!
For AQX Users Only
For those AcclaimIP users that are also admins for your AQX software, you can create View tiles inside of your AQX software to share any dashboards that have been syndicated to your AQX with any security profile inside your AQX, whether they have AcclaimIP seats or not. If you don't know how to create a View tile inside of your AQX, please let us know.
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