Simple Family Field (SFAM)
If you want to find all the members of a patent's simple family and know the simple family ID, use the SFAM field code.
The SFMA field code returns a list of patent documents in the patent's simple family for the specific simple family ID.
AcclaimIP uses the DOCDB "simple family" definition when developing patent families. This means that all members share the same priority date. The simple family contains foreign counterparts, continuations, and divisionals. The simple family also contains CIPs (Continuation in Part), but ONLY if they have the same priority date as the rest of the family. If you know the Simple Family ID assigned to the patent family in AcclaimIP, you can search for that ID number using the SFAM field code.
Remember that the Simple Family ID may change over time, so use this search sparingly.
Related Field - The ANA_SFAM_CT field holds the size of the patent family.
- SFAM:37487450 --> Finds all patents with the simple patent family ID 37487450. Remember that if you have the Family Dedupe field set, AcclaimIP may only return one representative sample document and not the entire family.
- ANA_SFAM_CT:[10 to *] --> Finds patents with family sizes larger than 10 documents.
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