Adding Columns on the Fly
AcclaimIP has over 70 columns of data which you can expose in your search results, not including your own custom fields, and continues to add more. Depending on the type of search you are doing, you will want to show different column sets by default. You set your defaults in your Preferences.
It is not a good idea to have all of these columns available to you at the same time. That amount of columns can be overwhelming. Generally you will only want 6 to 8 different columns by default. However, very often, you may want to add a new column on the fly without having to update your Preferences and redo your search. This is really easy to do in AcclaimIP.
Expose Context Sensitive Menu
Hover over ANY column label, then click the down arrow to view the context sensitive menu. From here you will see the sort, column, and lock options.
Choose the "Columns" Fly-Out Menu and Check Columns

Selecting the Columns fly-out menu will show you which columns you can add (or remove) on the fly. Just click the columns you want to view or remove from your search and AcclaimIP will instantly update your search results grid.
AcclaimIP will not do a round trip to the server when you add columns. The column data is already cached on your computer, so this process is extremely quick.
Note: The new columns will be added to the far right of the default data columns already on the grid, so you may have to scroll over to see them. Only the Custom Field columns you have exposed will be farther to the right. You can then re-order the columns by following the steps below.
Re-Order Columns on the Fly
Re-ordering your columns is a simple drag & drop. Simply click, hold, and drag the column header, and drop it where you want to see it.
Note: The default column order is set in your Preferences so on your next search you'll be back to the default column-order. Your preferences are set in the Start-->Preferences tabs. See Setting User Preferences.
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