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  • Updated on: May 23, 2023

    Citation Basics

  • Updated on: Nov 17, 2022

    Maintenance Event Codes (EVENTCODE)

    If you want to find patents based on what has happened in their US maintenance / renewal history, use the EVENTCODE field code.

    There are over 160 EVENTCODES which you can query.  Many codes have been deprecated and will no longer be found on current patents.  To see a full list of EVENTCODES, open the Help>Cheat Sheet and hover your mouse over the EVENTCODE field code to open the dockable tooltip.

    AcclaimIP processes maintenance events weekly.

  • Updated on: Mar 24, 2022

    Patent Collections Covered

    The AcclaimIP database covers 94 authorities, including full-text US, EP, WIPO, and German collections.  Our biblio/abstract collections include Japan, China, Korea, France, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Spain, Austria, Sweden, Russia, Taiwan, Italy, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, and many others.

    Our full-text database has over 31 million records and including our biblio/abstract collection accounts for an total of 95 million patent records.

    Coverage Specifically includes the following authorities:

    • United States (US)
    • Japan (JP)
    • China (CN)
    • Germany (DE)
    • European Patent Office (EP)
    • Korea (KR)
    • France (FR)
    • World Intellectual Property Organization (WO)
    • Great Britain (GB)
    • Canada (CA)
    • Australia (AU)
    • Soviet Union (SU)
    • Spain (ES)
    • Austria (AT)
    • Sweden (SE)
    • Russia (RU)
    • Taiwan (TW)
    • Italy (IT)
    • Switzerland (CH)
    • Netherlands (NL)
    • Belgium (BE)
    • Brazil (BR)
    • Denmark (DK)
    • Finland (FI)
    • Poland (PL)
    • Norway (NO)
    • South Africa (ZA)
    • Mexico (MX)
    • East Germany
    • Hungary (HU)
    • Czechoslovakia (CS)
    • Portugal (PT)
    • Argentina (AR)
    • Ireland (IE)
    • New Zealand (NZ)
    • Czech Republic (CZ)
    • Greece (GR)
    • Hong Kong (HK)
    • Israel (IL)
    • Romania (RO)
    • Singapore (SG)
    • Turkey (TR)
    • Yugoslavia
    • Bulgaria (BG)
    • India (IN)
    • Ukraine (UA)
    • Luxembourg (LU)
    • Eurasian Patent Org (EA)
    • Malaysia (MY)
    • Slovakia (SK)
    • Slovenia (SI)
    • Philippines (PH)
    • Colombia (CO)
    • Croatia (HR)
    • Morocco (MA)
    • Peru (PE)
    • Indonesia (ID)
    • African Intellectual Property Org (OA)
    • Egypt (EG)
    • Uruguay (UY)
    • Ecuador (EC)
    • Estonia (EE)
    • Latvia (LV)
    • Serbia (RS)
    • Moldova (MD)
    • Lithuania (LT)
    • Guatemala (GT)
    • Costa Rica (CR)
    • Iceland (IS)
    • Georgia (GE)
    • Cuba (CU)
    • Chile (CL)
    • Cyprus (CY)
    • Dominican Republic (DO)
    • Monaco (MC)
    • Zambia (ZM)
    • Zimbabwe (ZW)
    • Panama (PA)
    • San Marino (SM)
    • El Salvador (SV)
    • Algeria (DZ)
    • Kenya (KE)
    • Honduras (HN)
    • Malawi (MW)
    • Montenegro (ME)
    • Malta (MT)
    • Tajikistan (TJ)
    • Cooperative Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GC)
    • Mongolia (MN)
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
    • Nicaragua (NI)
    • Vietnam (VN)
    • Trinidad/Tobago (TT)
    • Thailand (TH)
  • On the Search Result window, there is a button at the top of the Refine Search panel called "Display Query."  Display Query shows you the flattened query.  A flattened query includes the code that is actually sent to the search engine based on selections you've made in the User Interface (UI).

    Flattened Queries provide users two main benefits:

    1. Let's you review exactly what is being sent to the search engine.  In other words, Display Query shows you how the UI impacts the query.  It is helpful for advanced users to diagnose queries and analyze what the UI is doing.
    2. By extension, you can edit default behavior of the user interface by choose Display Query, flattening the query, then editing the result.

    This second option allows you to, for example, use a Boolean NOT and remove selections, and effectively page the facets in each of the filters.

  • Updated on: Mar 23, 2022


    This guide goes into more depth on theory than our Help User Manual. The help user manual is designed to quickly tell you how to do something without bogging you down with theory which may be unnecessary for you.

    In this manual we solve specific search problems using a series of tools in the application.

  • Updated on: Mar 23, 2022

    Proximity Searching

    Proximity searching is a basic technique you need to learn to find one term within a certain number of words of another search term.  

    Basic Syntax:

    To do a proximity search, put your terms in quotation marks then add the tilde ( ~ ) character, then the maximum number of terms between the two or more terms you want to search.

    "Toilet Seat"~3  -->  Finds the "Toilet" and "Seat" within  three terms of each other.

    "Toilet Seat Cover"~5  -->  Finds the the terms "toilet" and "seat" within 5 words of each other, and "Seat" and "Cover" also within 5 words of each other.

    You can use as many terms as you wish in your proximity searches.  As a general rule, use 2 to 4 to find the terms within the same phrase, 7 to 15 to find them in the same sentence, and 15 to about 25 to find the terms in the same paragraph or claim.  Of course the distances are cumulative, a search with six terms within five words of each other can span up to 30 terms.

  • Updated on: Mar 23, 2022

    How Do I Sort My Search Results?

    It is often desirable to sort your search results by something other than the default search order (we recommend you set your default sort to Relevance > Descending in your Preferences.  For example, it is helpful to sort your search result by key value indicators including:

    1. Forward Citations
    2. Length of Claim One
    3. Family Size
    4. RVI (Relative Value Index)

    Depending on the version of the software you have subscribed to, different columns will be available to you.


  • Updated on: Mar 16, 2022

    AcclaimIP - Layout and Access

    The AcclaimIP patent search and analysis software program is web based.  This means you access the software using a standard web browser from any computer which you have access.

    You can login from other computers and we do not tie the software to a particular domain, IP address or MAC address.  Many of our users  do their research outside of the office in the quiet of the evening and appreciate being able to login from any computer.

  • AcclaimIP offers another method for finding similar documents using a class profiling technique.

    The logic is simple. If, for example, your source patent is classified in one primary (Original) class and cross references another four classifications, doesn't it stand to reason that patents with the most similar class profiles will also be similar to the target patent?

    This technique is possible because AcclaimIP's search engine is aware of each classification's relative position in its hierarchy including all parent and children classes.