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  • To query patents by the number of unique assignment events associated with a patent, use the ANA_ANRE_EXE_CT field code.

    Patents with lots of assignment events are sometimes difficult to unwind when trying to clear the title before a transaction takes place. The ANA_ANRE_EXE_CT analysis field helps you determine which patents may require additional work to clear title.

    It is not used very often, but it is a handy measure of the potential complexity of a transaction.

    To double check you have inventor releases in place, you can query the field by querying for patents where the field is empty:


  • To find patents with many or few unique terms in their first claim, use the ANA_FCLM_UW field code.

    The ANA_FCLM_UW field code is another view of the ANA_FCLM_TW code which does the same thing but counts total words. By contrast, ANA_FCLM_UW counts each word in the claim only one time.

  • If you want to find patents with long or short claim one (1), use the ANA_FCLM_TW field code.

    Length of claim one is one of the most important and useful value indicators.  Patents with short claims tend to have far fewer limitations than patents with long, rambling claims.  From talking to many ex patent examiners, short claims are particularly scrutinized for fear that the claim may be overly broad.

    For sake of comparison, in 2013 the median length of claim 1 was 156 words.  

    Helpful Hint:

    Whenever I have to do a claims level review of patents, I first create my queries and isolate the patents that I want to read.  THEN I sort by claim one, "Claim One (Total Words)" with the shortest claims on top.  The reason I do this is to acclimate my brain to the language around the technology from fairly simple claims before I dive into the longer ones.  I do better work every time if I first sort by the length of claim one.

    Also Note:

    Many published applications have very short claim 1's.  The word is "Cancelled."  So this value indicator is much easier to use when reviewing granted patents.

  • Updated on: May 30, 2017

    Total Words in a Patent Field (ANA_TW)

    AcclaimIP counts the total number of words found in each patent.  To find patents by the number of words in the document, use the ANA_TW field.  

    This field is helpful when doing analyses of patenting trends in a portfolio.  You can try doing a series of range queries to bucket patents by the number of words, and then charting them together using the multi-series charting options.

    The ANA_TW field is academically interesting because the length of a patent is an indicator of the amount of work required to create the patent.  For example, using the ANA_TW, you can see that 29% of all small entity utility patents have fewer than 5,000 words, while only 22.3% of all utility patents have fewer than 5,000 words.  Why the difference?  Do small entities have less sophisticated inventions requiring shorter patents, or do patent agents/attorneys feel pressure from their larger clients to write more comprehensive patents?

    The vast majority of very long patents are in the fields of chemistry, so now you know why your patent law firm charges more for chemistry patents than mechanical arts patents.

  • Updated on: May 30, 2017

    Pendency in Days Field (ANA_PEND)

    The pendency is the amount of time between the file date of a patent and the grant date.  To query patents by their pendency use the ANA_PEND field code.

    For un-granted applications the pendency is the number of days that have elapsed since the patent was filed.  Once an application "grants" the pendency remains fixed.  AcclaimIP re-computes the pendency field every week.

    Pendency is an important value indicator with a unique value profile.  The median pendency is 1126 days or about 3.1 years.  As pendency increases, the average length of claim one also increases suggesting that a long pendency narrows the patent as the applicant responds to rejections from the patent office.  If you've prosecuted patents, then you will not find this surprising.

    However, as pendency gets very long, it is an indicator of interference proceedings, and is often NOT indicative of rejections and further narrowing of the scope of the claims.  Therefore, patents with very very long pendencies tend to be some of the most valuable patents.

    In the figure below, the ANA_PEND field measures the Pendency Gap.

  • In-bound citations are called forward citations.  Forward citing documents are almost always newer than the documents they cite.  

    Out-bound citations are called reverse citations.  Reverse cited documents are almost always older than the citing document.

    You can search for documents that cite a document or a set of documents.  You can further refine this query for searching for only examiner citations--that is the citations that were provided by an examiner in a patentabilty arguement, which are in contrast to those citations provided by the applicant in the form of an IDS.

    You can also search for documents by the number of citations they have accrued.  Notice some of the field codes end in _CT, which stands for "count."  The examples below show you how you can search for patents with a minimum number of total citations, or examiner citations.

    The field codes are consistently named, and if you remember FCITE and RCITE, and the two modifiers EX (for examiner), and _CT (for count), you can easily remember all 8 field codes for querying citation data.

  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Cited Documents (RCITE)

    To query documents by the number of reverse citations, use the ANA_REFCITE_CT field.

    Reverse citations are older documents that a patent cites. Reverse citations are published along with the issued patent, and they do not change or increment as time goes on.  In other words, the reverse citations remain fixed during the life of the patent.

  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Priority Count Field (ANA_PRIOR_CT)

    To query patents by the number of priority documents, use the ANA_PRIOR_CT field.

  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Number of Claims Field (ANA_CLM_CT)

    To query patents by the total number of claims, use the ANA_CLM_CT field.

    Claim count is a value indicator especially since new rules whet into effect requiring additional examination fees if a patent contains more than 20 total claims and/or 3 independent claims.  Here is an interesting (although a little outdated) article on the topic:

    By contrast to the 2007 data in the Patentlyo article, of the 5820 utility patents granted on 02/18/2014, only 9.9 percent had more than 25 claims--a drop of almost 50%!

  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Number of Assignees Field (ANA_AS_CT)

    To query patents by the number of unique assignees in the original assignee (applicant) field, use the ANA_AS_CT field code.

    The ANA_AS_CT is especially useful when you want to find patents that are co-assigned or those that were collaborated on with another entity.