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  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Inventor Count Field (ANA_INV_CT)

    To query patents by the number of inventors named on the patent, use the ANA_INV_CT field code.

    The ANA_INV_CT field can be a value indicator.  Important patents may involve more inventors than the average patent.  The field is an integer field, and as a result, it is often used in a range query.

  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Family Size Field (ANA_SFAM_CT)

    If you want to query patents by the size of the patent family, use the ANA_SFAM_CT field code.

    Family size is an important value indicator in patent data. Large families represent a large financial investment in patenting. We use the DOCDB "simple family" definition when we develop patent families. This means that all members share the same priority date. The simple family contains foreign counterparts, continuations and divisionals. The simple family will contain CIPs only if they have the same priority date as the rest of the family

    The ANA_SFAM_CT field holds integer numbers, and it is often useful to query the field using range queries.

  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Simple Family Field (SFAM)

    If you want to find all the members of a patent's simple family, use the SFAM field code.

    The SFMA field code returns a list of patent documents in the patents simple family.

    AcclaimIP uses the DOCDB "simple family" definition when we develop patent families.  This means that all members share the same priority date.  The simple family contains foreign counterparts, continuations and divisionals.  The simple family contains CIPs (Continuation in Part) only if they have the same priority date as the rest of the family.

    The ANA_SFAM_CT field holds integer numbers, and it is often useful to query the field using range queries.

  • If you are searching for patent documents with particular legal event codes associated with them, you can use the LGL_CODE field code.

    Searching legal codes may not be for the beginner.  Each patenting jurisdiction (country) determines their own legal codes, so they are only useful when you search within one jurisdiction's patents.

    For a complete list of codes, refer the the link on the EPO's website:$File/le-codes-en1445.txt


  • Updated on: May 26, 2017

    Image Count (IMAGE_COUNT)

    Use the IMAGE_COUNT field code to query patent by the number of pages of figures they have.  Images are added the same day that patents and applications are published.

  • *This field code is now deprecated.  Use FCITE which replaces both REFN and FREFN.  FCITE returns both US and international citing documents in one query.  FCITE has a reverse counterpart, RCITE which also queries both US and international reverse (backward) references.

    To query patents that cite a particular patent number use the REFN field code.

    REFN is useful to see who cites your portfolio when you use it to query a collection of patents

  • A reference is a reverse citation.  You can search reverse citation by their entire string including document number and title using the REF field code.

    Used wisely, the REF field can be a money-maker for patent holders.  See the examples below.

    AcclaimIP has a companion and often more useful field code that searches only the document numbers called REFN.

  • Updated on: May 25, 2017

    Terminal Disclaimer Field (DISC_TXT)

    AcclaimIP can tell you if a terminal disclaimer is present for any US patent.  The DISC_TXT field is a text field, and holds a string of information.  In every case we have seen to date (10/27/2015), the text just shows the presence of a terminal disclaimer and nothing regarding dates etc.

    As a result, this field is most useful if it is treated like a Boolean (true or false) field.  You can do this by using the EMPTY: field code along with DISC_TXT field

  • Updated on: May 25, 2017

    Term Extension Field Code (ANA_EXT_DAYS)

    Query the number of days a patent's term has been extended by the USPTO using the ANA_EXT_DAYS field code.  The ANA_EXT_DAYS  holds the number of days the patent term has been extended due to 35 U.S.C. 154(b).

    It is often useful to search using a range query:

    For Example:

    ANA_EXT_DAYS:[366 to *]  -->  Returns patents with term extension longer that one year (366 days or greater).

    Some users also want to see patents that have term extensions.  You can use the FIELD field code to look for patents with no term extensions

    For Example:

    FIELD:isEmptyANA_EXT_DAYS -->  Returns patents with no term extension.

  • Updated on: May 25, 2017

    Foreign Priority Field (PRIR)

    To query the foreign priority use the PRIR field code.