Find Similar In AQX

From any published patent in AQX, or from an invention disclosure, when you have AcclaimIP (and depending on the security access inside of AQX) you will see the Find Similar button available to you. This can be quick and powerful for doing a search directly from AQX.

Find Similar From A Published Patent

If you are on a published patent inside of AQX, and you see the Find Similar button on the top bar, clicking this will take you directly into AcclaimIP and do a Find Similar search exactly as it is done here: Finding Similar Natural Language With Class Fingerprinting.

Basically, the system is taking (by default) the claims and class codes and doing a search for similar patents. This is an excellent and quick way for you to do knock out searches, invalidation searches, etc.

Find Similar From An Invention Disclosure

If you are on an invention disclosure inside of AQX, and you see the Find Similar button on the top bar, clicking this will take you directly into AcclaimIP and do a Find Similar search in almost the same way as the above on a published patent. The difference here is, of course, that there are no class codes on the invention disclosure. If you suspect you know what classes this will fall into, you can, of course, add those classes and anything else you would like. However, in this case, the system takes the following to do a natural language search on:

  • Short Title
  • Title
  • Abstract

This type of search is especially useful in a knock out search, but can, of course, be used for other types of searches as well.


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