IP Strategy Dashboards

One of the ways AcclaimIP and AQX are integrated is through the IP Strategy dashboards. You can build them inside of AcclaimIP and then an AQX administrator can syndicate them to your AQX to be viewed by whatever security profiles the view is set up for.

Creating IP Strategy Dashboards

Create the dashboards through the normal process inside of AcclaimIP. These instructions can be found here:  Note - the only difference here is that you, as an AQX user, can see all of the dashboards created by anyone on your team. This is a requirement in order to allow syndication to AQX.

Once that is done, any AQX admin (whether they have an AcclaimIP licensed security profile or not) can syndicate them to your organizations AQX. This way, any user with the proper security profile can see and interact with the dashboards whether they have AcclaimIP access or not. The only difference for a user in your organization that does not have AcclaimIP is that they will not be able to click through the dashboards to AcclaimIP and see the set of patents that make up that set. You will be able to.

Syndicating the IP Strategy Dashboards to AQX

NOTE - The below information is for AQX administrators only. This is not related to your AcclaimIP access.

In AQX, you will have to create a View where you will syndicate the dashboards to users. This is the normal process for creating a View tile inside of AQX, and you will be able to use the same dashboards for multiple different View tiles if you so choose.

Once you have clicked into Admin->System->Views, you can create one or more View tiles that you will be able to syndicate already created IP Strategy Dashboards to.

1) A View Name is required. It is best practices is to name it something that is logical for the users and not terribly long. Even if it is just "IP Strategy" or something similar.

2) A description is optional.

3) An Icon is required. When you click on the Select Icon button, your icon choices will appear. Simply choose one that makes sense to you and your team, and then click OK.

4) Do not select the Dashboard radio button. This is going to be a View tile, not a Dashboard.

5) An Owner is optional. It is best practices to choose someone like yourself that is an AQX admin. Otherwise the owner will not be able to edit the View at this level.

6) Profiles are optional, but the whole purpose of this view is to syndicate these dashboards to users with a security profile inside of AQX that at least some of whom do not have AcclaimIP access. Those with AcclaimIP access can already see the dashboards inside AcclaimIP. Use the Pick List to add AQX security profiles. Any security profile that is added here will be able to see this View, and the AcclaimIP dashboards this view contains. 

7) Once you have the View created the way you want it to be, click the Add button.

Now that you've created a View tile, you will need to actually add the AcclaimIP dashboards to the View. From your Home View dashboard, or directly from the Views dropdown, select the View tile that you just created. In the above example, we are selecting the "IP Strategy" view.

Once you have clicked into the View as an owner, you will notice the Edit button up in the top right. This is true whether you have created Tiles already, like we have in the above example, or whether you have not yet created anything. Those with the security profile you selected when building the View will see exactly the same thing as you see, but without the Edit button.

Once you've clicked the Edit button, click the Add A New Tile (1) button to get the "Add New Tile" pop-up creator (2)

3) Notice that the Tile Type here is set to Acclaim Dashboard. Make sure that this is set to the Acclaim Dashboard Tile Type. This will automatically allow you to choose those IP Strategy Dashboards that the AcclaimIP users created.

Important Note! - If the AcclaimIP users in your organization have not created any IP Strategy Dashboards yet, this setup will not work properly. There must be a dashboard created inside of AcclaimIP by one of your users before this entire setup can be completed.

4) Select Icon is required. This works the same as in the View setup. Clicking this button allows you to select from a predefined set of icons. Simply select one and click OK.

5) A Tile Title is required. It is best practices to name this something logical (e.g., Competitor Analysis).

Once you have filled in the required fields, click OK (6) to create the tile.

Once you have created the Tile, you can now link up to five IP Strategy Dashboards in that Tile. In the example above, I have created the Demo Tile (1). Clicking on the "+ add a new link" (2) pops up the Edit Link creator (3).

4) The Dashboard Name is the type of dashboards from AcclaimIP. There are four types:

     -Competitive Intelligence (COMP)

     -Technology Landscape (TECH)

     -Firm Comparison (FIRM)

     -Client Intelligence (CLIENT)

5) The Definition Name is the name given to the dashboard when it was created inside of AcclaimIP by your users. Select the one that you want for that particular link in the Tile.

6) A Link Name is required. It is best practices to name this something that makes sense to your users. It does not, however, have to be the same name as what it is named in AcclaimIP (the Definition Name field). Do note that it should be a fairly short name, or else saving the tile will fail (no more than about 20 characters).

Once you've filed out all the required fields, click Save (7) to save the links in the Tile.

Once you have added and saved the link, you can:

1) add a new link (and follow the steps in the last section)

2) edit or remove the link you've already created

3) add another Tile (e.g., notice that there are multiple Tiles for different purposes in the screenshot above)

4) Save the View as it is

Once this is saved, all security profiles that have access to the View will now be able to see what Tiles you created, and the links therein. In the above screenshot, I am going to choose the Panasonic link from the Competitor Analysis tile. 

Once I've clicked on the Panasonic link, the system will show me the IP Strategy dashboard for Panasonic (1) inside of AQX, but with the same information I would see inside of AcclaimIP. Notice that I do not have to go back to the Tile to select Ford or BASF (2) from the links there in that Tile (the other links available to me in the Tile from the screenshot in the previous section). I can also choose the other tabs (3) for the dashboard in focus (here, the Panasonic dashboard).

I can also choose one of the other Tiles by clicking on it up in the upper right (4). This way I do not have to go back to the IP Strategy View to see the other Tiles. Additionally, I can choose to view the dashboard directly inside of AcclaimIP (5), if I am someone in your organization with that AcclaimIP security profile license. Clicking on basically any of the data inside of the dashboard (e.g., the 50446 Total Active Grants) will take me directly into AcclaimIP, too, and show me the set that makes up that particular data point. 


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