The Analytics Button

The Analytics button from any published patent inside of AQX is very useful for any AQX user. This button allows any user that has been granted the right permission to see it inside of AQX the ability to see data injected directly from AcclaimIP, whether they have the AcclaimIP seat or not.

The difference is that you who have full access to AcclaimIP will be able to see a lot more information. Specifically, you will have access to the reports on different tabs, and not just the Snapshot Analytics tab on the pop up. You can also click through directly from this pop up to AcclaimIP if you so choose.

NOTE - Because this is data injected directly from AcclaimIP, this is only for published/public patent documents. This Analytics link will not work for your unpublished documents (but will work for published documents that are yours or third party documents inside of your AQX).

The Pop Up With AcclaimIP Access

Note that you can switch tabs to see the other reports, or click through to see this particular patent inside of AcclaimIP with the green VIEW IN ACCLAIM button

The Pop Up Without AcclaimIP Access

Note that you do see the Prosecution Analytics tab, but you will not see any information on this tab other than that it is not available to you. Also note that there is no VIEW IN ACCLAIM button, as this user does not have AcclaimIP access rights.


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